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Spider's web of darkness

October 9, 2024

At the end of 2019, I made predictions for the following year, 2020. During my analysis of China, I saw a spider web-like structure spreading from China across Central Asia to Europe. This structure gave me an uncomfortable feeling, as if it was a form of conquest originating in China.

In the months before, I read a lot about the growing tensions in the cyber war between China and Europe and misinterpreted this “spider web” as part of this conflict.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, it became clear what was meant by my vision.

I made the mistake that I always warn against when receiving prophecies: Share what you see, but don't interpret!

Making mistakes is human, repeating them would not be good.

Today I received a new vision that is similar to the one I received at the end of 2019. This time I'm not going to interpret it, but rather give an unadulterated account of what I saw:

I saw a large city in Europe with a structured, cobweb-like shape superimposed over it. While the weave of 2019 appeared soft and gentle, this new web gave the impression of being made of sharp, fine steel. It augurs darkness and coldness for the city and leaves an unsettling feeling. In rural areas, the situation seemed somewhat more bearable than in urban centers.

As my vision progressed, the net spread across a European country and its cities before spreading to other parts of Europe.

The vision finally dissolved. I cannot say whether this scenario concerns only Europe or other countries and continents as well.



Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Oct 10

Dear Martin

this could show the smart city creating 15-minutes-cities, invented by the WEF Davos and which are supported by the UNO, where people are not allowed to travel anymore, even are not allowed to leave there district.

the green ruled city Oxford is planning such a city: Oxfordshire County Council has approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones "to save the planet from global warming". The latest stage of the '15-minute city' agenda involves installing electronic gates on the city's main roads in and out and restricting residents to their own neighborhoods. If residents want to leave their zone, they will need permission from the city council, which will decide who is given the freedom…


Oct 10

It would be interesting to know if this new situation will again have health aspects related or will it be something completely new and different.

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