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Time out

My predictions for the coming new year have been an integral part of my work for years.

Although it involved a lot of work, it has always given me a lot of pleasure and joy. It was very enriching and gratifying for me to be able to give suggestions on the most diverse areas of life with my predictions.

In the last three years, an extraordinary amount has changed worldwide; we are currently experiencing the dawn of a new era. Of course, this is also accompanied by major restructuring for me and requires a new orientation. For this reason, I already withdrew autumn 2019 completely from public courses and lectures in Europe.

Worldwide and also my personal developments and changes now make the next steps of this reorientation indispensable.

Among other things, I am currently in the process of realigning my predictions.

I am therefore taking the liberty of dispensing with my predictions for the year 2022. It seems important to me to clearly reorient the next steps and to weigh them up, in order to then come to the outside world, to you, with a new concept.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and the trust you have placed in me over the years. The many letters and the never-ending gratitude for my prophecies have always been a strong incentive for me to keep going, to keep at it.

I also hope for your understanding for my temporary withdrawal. I promise you that it will not be final. But I do not want to set a time frame. I clearly feel the inner call to adapt my approach to the new dynamics.

I wish you all a happy new year! Take care of yourselves, stay healthy and creative! And don't forget: every crisis also contains an incredible potential for renewal and growth!


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